Monday, January 6, 2014

Ten things I like about living in Helsinki

If I don't limit myself to 10 things I like about living in Helsinki, I could end up writing a long time. And I will miss Helsinki even more…. 

Paths. Walking paths and riding paths, often shared, crisscross Helsinki wherever there is an excuse to have a little green space. And green space abounds beyond the city center. Walking and bicycle riding is not just a pastime here, however; it is a common means of simply just getting somewhere. Everyone uses the responsibly. 

Trams. Buses are great, and there are a lot more bus lines to choose from to go to more places, but for getting around in the main part of the city, the tram is the way to go. Besides being able to get off in some of the choice spots in Helsinki where buses don't penetrate, the tram appeals to anyone who ever pushed around a toy train on tracks as a kid. The trams may not appear like they did in the 19th-century, but they still provide the thrill of a time-gone-by experience (although the looks on the faces of many of the seasoned tram riders may suggest that the thrill wears off after a few years).

Pastries. I know I mentioned pastries on the list of things I don't like about Helsinki, but it was not because of their taste, their size, or their tempting nature. Or maybe it was. Well, I am going to have it both ways on this one.

Manners. Finns are never as verbally expressive or as expansive as Americans for whom everyone including strangers is often considered a conversational partner. But good manners are always present, and the most commonly heard word in public is "kiitos" or one of its many derivatives. Often expressed several times in a simple transaction. Just because.

Herring. Having lived all my life in landlocked states far from any ocean, there are many seafoody things I was not accustomed to eating. Herring was at the top of that list. In fact, most seafood can appear odd and smelly in its natural state (i.e., fresh) to a landlubber. I am not saying that some seafood no longer gives me pause, but I have finally realized why herring is so popular whether pickled in a jar, fried up and served like French fries, marinated in mustard, etc.

Finnish. The language. It is as difficult as everyone says, and I am still a beginner, but I was surrounded by it for five months and have learned to love it. It is visually intimidating with lengthy words, doubled consonants and vowels, and the various ä and ö appearances that at first seem random (but which are not). A great language for those who appreciate challenges. I have also read several articles that call oral Finnish "monotonous" because of its rhythm (the accent is always on the first syllable), but I don't think the authors of these articles ever listened at length to well-spoken Finnish.  I really miss hearing it spoken in public around me. 

Dogs. Dogs are beloved in Helsinki and are welcome in places where they never get a chance to venture in the US. These dogs ride the trams, walk around stores, and go anywhere else that people go. Dog parks (separated into small and large parks) are very common -- just follow one of those many paths and you will encounter a dog park where unleashed dogs socialize. And dogs being led around on a leash by their Finnish masters exhibit the same qualities as these masters: they are calm, they respect your privacy, they don't bark at you, they don't strain at their leash to get to you (I am talking about the dogs, by the way). 

Paving stones. Irregular paving is not well-liked by pedestrians who need to walk around in all weather to get places: it slows you down, hurts your feet, and can be a bit dangerous at times. It would be so easy for city authorities to lay down an easy-to-maintain layer of asphalt and forget about it. But Helsinki holds onto such things, and a city that is not very flashy in many ways is endearing in its connections to old but still useful ways of doing things (think of trams). Wear comfortable shoes, and expect to be unexpectedly rattled when your bus crosses certain areas of Helsinki.

Crosswalks. You can usually distinguish the non-Finns from the Finns at a crosswalk. For Finns, a crosswalk signal is not considered a "suggestion" as it is in many places around the world. It is not ignored. A crosswalk signal is to be obeyed, and the more people who obey it, the safer the experience is. The tourists can't seem to understand why no one is crossing when the way is clear, and they can't seem to understand why streets are crossed only at the designated areas. I have occasionally seen Finns cross streets on their own accord -- but they are the exception, and I assume it is an evil foreign influence that has changed their behavior. 

Libraries. Finns love to read, and public services such as libraries make sure that they can. Helsinki public libraries are engaging and efficient; they reach out and they engage their users. Services are offered, and the public is accommodated. Progressive and forward thinking. Yes, I am also a librarian, but that is why I can really appreciate libraries in places I visit.

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