Sometimes you just “get it.”
Because this is my third time in Finland (2011: 10 days, 2013:
Aug-Dec, 2020: Jan-Jun) I realize almost every day that I am understanding some things without
first being confused or having to think. Of course I have studied the language,
read about the culture, examined the history books, and such. So I have
prepared myself, and it eventually pays off. It is quite a pleasure to come
across a situation where you just “get it.” Such events make you feel less like
an outsider and more worthy to be here.
I often go by the former house of Finnish presidents, especially
that of Urho Kaleva Kekkonen (1900–1986) who served almost 26 years as
president and lived in that house from 1956 until his death. The house is now a
museum (which I have visited), and on the fence outside is spelled out:
Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen…
-- which makes me subtly smile each time I pass. And
that smile is because I “get it.” It is not that the museum needs to advertise itself by repeating his name several times. Instead, it is a popular culture reference
that Finns share, unknown to others unless they are fortunate enough to “get it,”
Sorry, I am not going to explain it. It is worthwhile to
earn such small insights, and I don’t with to ruin anyone’s chances to do so.