So, in conclusion: On some doors you push. On some doors you
pull. And then on some doors....
I encounter doors that open automatically for me
when I approach. And they look exactly like the doors that do not open by
themselves but rather force me to think (Have I been through this door before
and perhaps can remember? Are the hinges visible to supply a hint? Is there a button
I push to engage the door? Do I really need to go through this door?). And then
there are the doors in public places you are sure will open by themselves when
you approach, but…which…don’t (doors for department stores, train stations,
etc.). Then you try to pretend that you really stopped before that door for a
reason other than the royal expectation that doors open upon your approach. But wait...I also encounter doors that appear to be normal because handles are present -- but you need to press a tiny button cleverly concealed on the door frame. And then the door may just open for you! No need to touch that useless handle.
My most embarrassing door moment thus far this time in
Finland: I came to a door to enter a quiet work room. I tried to pull the door
handle. The door would just jiggle a bit. I tried then to push the door. More
jiggling. All I ended up doing was rattling the door enough to alert the people
in the quiet work room that there was someone at the door who could not figure
out how to get in (because the room was all glass enclosed, there was no anonymity
afforded me, and the Finns inside were certainly thinking what they would never
actually say out loud). Of course, a moment later, a nice Finn on the outside
with me came over and slid the door open for me without a word before walking away. Because there
was really nothing to say at that point, and I hope that is all I have to say
on the topic of doors for awhile….
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